Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Viva La Mexico!

On Wednesday, May 7th, Laurie and I boarded a plane for our favorite third world country, the glorious land of Mexico. Frontier took us from gloomy KC at about 7:15am direct to sunny Cancun in about 3 hours. We were by the pool by 11:30am with drinks in hand. I like to tell people that our Cancun trip was as easy if not easier (travel-wise) than a drive down to the Lake of the Ozarks. Although, we missed out on all the fireworks, porn, and meth by opting for Mexico over Missouri. Oh well, I suppose it's a trade-off. I could describe what we did down there, but the pictures tell the story pretty well. Lots of lounging, drinking, and eating. While we were gone, Will spent some time with Laurie's folks.

View of pool and gazebo from our room.

Birthday boy with beverage.

Laurie at the swing-up bar.

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